Let's talk about turning your idea for a book into a manuscript that will sell.
We help authors write books. To get your idea for a book into print, it first needs to be put in manuscript form. That’s what we do. Once the manuscript is completed, then it’s time to find a publisher to manufacture and distribute the book. If you’re going to self publish using a print-on-demand service, that’s great and you’ll save a lot of time. It’s the same with making an ebook.
Everything starts with the manuscript. Let’s look into that for a moment.
It’s common for the word “manuscript” to be confused with the word book. However, they are not the same in the professional world. While the story and words in a manuscript and book are the same, the book is the published version of the manuscript.
To simplify: You can’t have a book without a manuscript, but you can have a manuscript without a book.

When a writer sits down to write a book, their completed work is the first draft of their manuscript. During the writing phase, the manuscript is the working document that the writer creates with the intention of being published. Not all manuscripts get published. Some authors will write a manuscript to keep for themselves or to pass down to family members.
Before we were able to publish and mass-produce books, the manuscript was all there was. It was handwritten, mistakes and all, and kept within the family or shared with friends by letting them read it. With the invention of the typewriter, manuscripts became more polished.
A manuscript can be published as a novel, a memoir, self help, or it can be non-fiction, business, or on military history. The possibilities are endless. It all depends on the writer’s goals.
Since the manuscript is the original work, some manuscripts are infamous in their own right. Who wouldn’t love to see Charles Dickens’ handwritten manuscripts, with words crossed out, notes, and scribbles? What about Stephen King’s manuscript for The Shining? While it wasn’t handwritten, there were many notes in the margins, and is a collector’s item worth a lot of money today.
Some who have a great idea for a book jump right and start writing, but there are certain structural components to adhere to if you want to produce a solid manuscript, and that will have a better chance of getting published. Ghostwriters know how to correctly write a manuscript. If you hire us to do the writing, then writing to conform to publishing requirements is on us, not you.
Professional manuscripts are written using the 12-point New Times Roman font and they are always double-spaced. There is just one space after a period, no blank lines between paragraphs, and paragraphs are intended. The pages of a manuscript are numbered, and it should be saved as a document.
When we’re done ghostwriting your manuscript, that’s what it will look like. In final draft form, it’s ready to go to the publisher.